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Waxing and Karaoke #OnAnotherLevel - #MissionSamsung

Waxing and Karaoke should not go hand in hand EVER! However, it does if you about to sing Killer Karaoke style and that is exactly what I had to endure.

I was tasked with singing karaoke with a twist for Mission 2 of the #MissionSamsung blogger challenge. For this mission I was required to sing a song provided by Kleek, a music app designed to stream and listen to your favourite artists with the option to download and listen offline. I needed to sing my selected song from Kleek which was installed on the Galaxy K Zoom and then play it on the Level Over Headphones via Bluetooth. Bearing in mind that once the Level Over's are on your head almost all noise is cancelled out so all I would hear would be the music playing and not my voice. So now you are all up to speed.

Last week I went out to take on challenge 2 at Groun Karaoke and Cocktail Lounge situated in Lansdowne, Cape Town and the owner was more than willing to allow me to use his establishment. With the venue sorted and a few buddies there to watch me embarrass myself, it was time to sing, and sing I did!

Be prepared to have you mind and ears blown away...

Caution this is not for the faint hearted!

If you couldn't make out what was sung, it's a little track entitled Demons by Imagine Dragons and if my rendition is anything to go by then I guess I slayed many a demon on the night.

Thanks for those who came out and supported me in completing challenge 2. Thanks to Marcelino for the use of Groun, Ramo the MC, Devon photgrapher, Ryan videographer, to the judges Carl Weber, Gino Fernandez and Justine Lamb you guys were great and not forgetting my personal beauticians Rejane and my kickass wife, Candice!

"Versatile Lyle"

Over and Out!

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Unknown said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I give you a solid 8 :)

Unknown said...

Thanks, I tried to bring my best voice to the party but I guess that wasn't to be lol

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