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Let me $chool you

I often get asked the question, "Why do you want to send your child to THAT school?" and before I can answer, statements like; "Is it because you want your child to have an accent?" "Do you think your children are getting a better education?"  "Are you rich?"

My answer to the aforementioned questions is NO.

I don't send my children to "fancy" schools so that they can wwrrr and wwwrrroll their tongues when they talk.

I don't think they will get a better education but they will have access to more resources than at an ordinary school. For example: puzzle pieces are not missing from the box; paint, crayons, play dough, clay and 3d constructions are not limited nor is it restricted by the educators - this allows the child to learn various (and very important) skills through play.

I am not rich but I am willing to make sacrifices (which more parents should do - refer to No Food On Your Table But Its OK, You Look Kwaai) so that my children can reap the benefits.

Besides my children who benefit, parents also benefit as well. Teachers and staff are generally more friendly and helpful if you pay a little bit more than normal for school fees.

Below is an actual telephone conversation I had with a school receptionist:

(after greeting and explaining the situation)

Me: What time does school end today?

Receptionist: Miss, didn't you get a letter in your child's bag.

Me: No, its not my child.

Receptionist: Miss, now the time was on the letter Miss.

Me: but I don't have the letter. Can you tell me the times please?

Receptionist: *heavy sigh* Today, Miss they finish at 1 and tomorrow at 12 but it was all on the letter.

Me: Can you put a copy of the letter in the child's bag so that I can have a copy?

Receptionist: No, Miss you need to ask the teacher.

Me: Can you arrange for the teacher to put the letter in her bag please?

Receptionist: No, YOU must ask the teacher... Miss.

Me: You are not very helpful. 

So to end off the whole debate about the difference in school fees, look at it this way:

Would you go to the local supermarket and have to search for good quality products and then to put the cherry on the cake, the cashier is in a bad mood OR would you go to a supermarket where all the products are of high quality and the cashiers smile while asking you "cash or account?"

I am what I am

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Unknown said...

LOL awesome explanation!Well said Miss Molly!

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