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Encounters with Lallo - Part 4

Have I ever told you about the time we took to the road on a trip to resort called Berg River? Well the story goes a little something like this.

There was a crisp chill in the air, the wind was picking up, a few clouds began to gather and the sun was out, which was not unusual for those living in the Cape as such weather conditions can always be expected. And this particular summers morning looked as if it was about to treat us with all four seasons in one. Here we were on the eve of a brand new year - a time to reflect on the days gone by - a time to usher in those resolutions and a time to make fond new memories, no matter the weather.

We arrived at our destination, and just as we got out of the vehicle, we were called into action. The camp had to be moved. The wind had picked up heavily, so much so that the tent nearly took flight. Moving and securing the tent became our main prerogative, as we knew that this wind had the potential to cause major havoc and we had to ensure we were ready for anything. 

Eventually the wind subsided and we had ourselves a ball of a time, celebrating the dawn of a new year. Then just a few hours into the year I noticed something. A strange lump in my friend's neck. When I asked him about it, he went on to say it had been there for a few days and not making much of it I told him to have it checked out. Which he was most probably going to do anyway. 

Whether the weather be fine,
Whether the weather be not,
Whether the weather be cold,
Whether the weather be hot,
We’ll weather the weather,
Whatever the whether,
Whether we like it or not
~Author Unknown

Sometimes the weather can affect everything we hold dear and on that little holiday break the winds of change blew in the direction of Lallo, his life, his family, his friends...

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