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So you crawl so far up someone’s ass to try and make them like you, when they only end up disliking you even more, cos you pretend to be someone you not. All that plotting, gossiping and effort, wasted.

Be who you are. If people don’t like you for who you are, then they are not worth your time. If you disagree with something they say or do, tell them – this is how mutual respect is earned.

For instance:
  • Don’t invite someone for lunch if you feel obligated to do so. Just simply say “I’m only inviting people who respect me”
  • Do not, under any circumstances, waste your precious time trying to join in on a conversation you have absolutely no knowledge of. Remove yourself from the conversation by leaving the room
  • Do not try to be a “know-it-all” – stop telling people what to do right now!
  • Do not try to compete – you will lose
  • Do not be a “goody-two-shoes” – nobody likes a “goody-two-shoes”
  • Don’t tell everyone everything about yourself, people like some mystery in relationships

You should find mutual ground where all parties involved understand and can relate to each other.

People get bored if you talk about yourself ALLLLLL the time.

If all else fails… stop sucking up and carry on with your life as normal.

I am what I am

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