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No food on your table but its fine - you look kwaai!

The mentality of some people! How materialistic some people are, not that they can afford it. But that’s not my business but these are my views and my feelings… yes, it’s all about me!

Based purely on observation:

Parents, children and even toddlers (who can just about walk!) are all kitted out in their new Nike Air Max sneakers with cool name brand T-shirts. Nothing wrong with this picture right? WRONG! Like why don’t you pay your utility bills once in a while or send your children to better schools so that they can get a better education and at least stand a fighting chance in this world. Instead, adults prefer to look like they just came from a photo shoot at American Clothing (no offence to those who shop there or to the store owners) than educate their offspring. If there should be a war against materialistic people and educated people I wonder who would win… For those still wondering who will win, I suggest you stop reading.

Why is it that people do this? Why buy the most expensive clothing especially if you are not by the means to do so?

Here’s my take on the situation:

Fancy name brands will probably make you more likable at school, increase your social popularity or even get you the girl/guy of your dreams (who, BTW, will also be materialistic and then you’ll have materialistic children and so the cycle continues); but what happens when you go out into the real world, with educated people?

In conclusion I would just like to say,
people need to set their priorities straight. For example, should I buy a new pair of Jordan’s for a 3 month old baby or buy diapers – which would you choose?

Parting shot:

"Almost everyone will make a good first impression, but only a FEW will make a good LASTING impression." -  Sonya Parker.

Miss Molly 
Work hard, play even harder
I love observing people and their behaviour. 
I enjoy watching musicals, scrubbing floors and sleeping.
I hope to be extremely wealthy some day soon.

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