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"The Quest for Illuminating Light" - #MissionSamsung

Now, this is the story all about how
My light got turned all the way down
And I'd like to take a minute, so just sit tight
And I'll tell you a story about my Quest for Illuminating Light.

New source of light found in the
Jurassic period, I need to go back in time

AF/AE Separation

Dinosaurs everywhere

x10 zoom

Need to find out where this new source of light can be found

focus on dinosaurs

Great some locals maybe they know where it might be

Pro Suggest - Brown Tone

Good job fellas 

Xenon Flash

Now to take this back home

Pro Suggest - Strong Red

Awesome it worked, light back to optimal performance

Pro Suggest - Vivid Colour

Definitely had a great time playing with the action figures and dinosaurs it was as if I went back in time too, only difference being I never had a Samsung Galaxy K Zoom back in those days.

The quest was captured using the Samsung Galaxy K Zoom with the visual aids sponsored by my son.

"Versatile Lyle"

Over and Out!

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