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I blog therefore I am #MissionSamsung

Xmas Came Early

Wednesday I had the misfortune of cracking my screen of cell and I must admit it's not a good feeling having to see your cell in such a state but then Thursday arrived and to my surprise so did a box of pure awesomeness. Check out what was contained in that box.

If you wondering how or why Samsung would be so kind as to send me these awesome goodies well here's the deal.

A few months back I stumbled across a tweet from Samsung about a blogger challenge they had on the go, so I went on to check it out on their site for more info. They were into their second challenge at the time and I decided that when the time was right I would enter and hopefully get selected. The third challenge came around involving Samsung's SmartStove but that challenge was just not for me. Every week thereafter I would check their site for when the next challenge was to begin, then entries were opened for the fourth instalment using Samsung's Galaxy K Zoom SmartPhone and Level Over Headphones and I just had to enter. Well needless to say my constant checking and patience paid off and The "Versatile Lyle" Chronicles was selected in the Top 10 to participate. 

#MissionSamsung defined:

You will be required to compete in a series of Missions, using the Samsung GALAXY K Zoom smartphone and the Level Over headphones, which will take anyone’s artistic creativity to the next level.

Mission 1 starts this week so I will keep you posted and wish me luck!

"Versatile Lyle"

Over and Out!

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