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Mandela Day follow up

So to follow up on the Mandela Day post I did last week, I thought I would share what I got up to for my #67minutes.

For those who did not know this, I play a bit of cricket in my spare time (of which there is very little) so as a team we collected non perishables, books, toys and kids clothing and donated it all to Heaven's Nest child care & recreation centre.

There are 15 children at the centre ranging from ages 8 months old to 11 years old so they are always in need of support in any way.

Some time was spent with the kids and might I add that they are simply overwhelmed when any new face shows up at the orphanage. We spoke to the kids, watched movies with them and took a few pics with them too.

They love watching tv and what kid doesn't

with 9 month old baby
  (Too be honest I cannot for the life of me remember her name, that's bad I know)

They are indeed special

Standing by the donations is myself (Versatile Lyle) and Alvin Sirmonpong

Thanks to my wife Candice for always being there to support.
If anyone would like to get in touch with Heaven's Nest just follow this link.

"Versatile Lyle"


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