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67 ideas on how to help on Mandela Day

Nelson Mandela has given 67 years of his life fighting for the rights of humanity. On July 18th, Nelson Mandela's birthday, we are calling for everyone to give 67 minutes of their time serving their local community.

Why not team up with friends or work mates, or make a difference all on your own? As Nelson Mandela himself said: "There is nothing more important in life than giving."

If you want to get involved in Mandela Day but aren't sure how, here are 67 ideas on how to help from Virgin Unite:

1. Donate clothes to a homeless shelter

2. Make "I Care" kits with combs, toothbrushes, toothpaste shampoo, etc. for the homeless

3. Organise a canned food drive

4. Organise a blanket drive

5. As an office, make sandwiches to hand out to the homeless

6. Serve food at a soup kitchen

7. Cook food for an orphanage or shelter

8. Bake a birthday cake for a disadvantaged child

9. Learn first aid

10. Give blood

11. Become an organ donor

12. Donate money to your favourite charity

13. Organise a fundraising event for your favourite charity

14. Do a sponsored walk/hike/swim

15. Organise a dinner with your friends to benefit a charity

16. Set up a recycling system for your home

17. Pick up litter

18. Create a campaign to encourage car sharing to work

19. Plant a garden or tree where the whole neighbourhood can enjoy it

20. Plant a vegetable garden

21. Build a playground with your workmates for an underprivileged school

22. Offer to mow the grass at a school park

23. Fix things at a local school (paint, fix broken windows)

24. Remove graffiti

25. Help build a home with Habitat for Humanity

26. Visit the oncology unit at your local hospital and play with the children

27. Walk instead of taking your car

28. Hold a teddy bear drive for abused children

29. Visit a local safe house and read to children

30. Organise a tea party for care givers

31. Donate time at a local rotary club

32. Volunteer on a hotline

33. Volunteer at your local youth centre

34. Teach at an adult literacy centre

35. Baby-sit for a single parent

36. Become a volunteer fire-fighter or EMT

37. Volunteer at your local animal shelter

38. Adopt a pet from your local animal shelter

39. Walk a neighbour's dog or pet sit while they are on holiday

40. Teach at Sunday school

41. Contribute clothes and blankets to Salvation Army

42. Donate books to your local library

43. Collect and distribute children's books to local elementary schools

44. Start a book club in your area

45. Donate old magazines to a home for retired people

46. Cook dinner and hang out with grandmothers taking care of HIV/AIDS grandchildren

47. Visit an old age home and read to them (or be brave and organise a dance for them!)

48. Rake leaves, or wash windows for a senior citizen

49. Pick up groceries or medicine for an elderly person

50. Go for a walk with a senior citizen in your community

51. Teach a senior friend how to use a computer and the Internet

52. Tutor a student that needs help learning English

53. Volunteer to teach young children to read

54. Donate your old computer to a school

55. Coach a children's sports team

56. Teach a dance class at a nursery school

57. Give up your seat on the bus or train to someone

58. Mentor a young person

59. Offer to attend a high school class to talk to students about your career

60. Learn to be a peer counsellor

61. Knit a blanket for a friend in need

62. Bake cookies and take them to a police station for the police officers working grave yard shifts

63. Write a letter to an editor about an issue you care about

64. Blog about a charity that needs support

65. Write an elected official about an issue you care about

66. Use your skills (finance, marketing, customer service) to help a charity run more efficiently

67. Smile at everyone you see...


"Versatile Lyle"


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