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Are Beards still cool?

Wow man-o-man have I been busy, so busy that I haven't had the time to post anything meaningful. I've been busy advancing in my day job which means my personal career is growing and rightly so, after all careers are meant to grow, right? Same can be said about the topic of this post. Beards are meant to grow. Men were designed to grow facial hair for a reason, well most men. Now there are a few questions still plaguing those lucky enough to grow the stuff. Are beards still relevant? Are beards still trendy? Are beards still, dare I say this, sexy? But most importantly...

Are Beards Still Cool?

I just had to know the answer, so I took to the cyber streets of Facebook and get my social on!
Read how it all went down.

Judging by the comments from majority of the females, it would suggest that beards are not a hit with the opposite sex but I just can't help but get the feeling that it's here to stay. And if it's here to stay then all you pogonophile's can be reassured to see their beloved facial hair flourish a bit longer.

Self-proclaimed pogonophile and fellow blogger, Nicci Arrison from Nicci Notes, shared her views on the matter:

"There is something about a well structured and "pruned" beard that is just eye-catching... it's rugged and manly... and a guy that has the patience and stamina to not only grow a beard, but also look after it says alot about his character... 9/10 it is these guys who look after themselves and their beards that have their affairs in order and are just as precise in their homes as they are with how they present themselves.

It's hard to explain... I'm not saying guys without beards are messy, it's just that guys with good beards tend to be more structured in every other area of their lives... they care about how they present themselves... and what female is not attracted to a guy that has his affairs in order."

Feel like Nicci makes a valid point?  Then you should check out Chris getting his beard trimmed.

If you are like me and you are still not entirely sure whether or not beards are cool then take the survey below and help me further my research.

Create your own user feedback survey

Thanks to the good folks at Karoo Beard Co for giving me the inspiration to write this post and just for the record this is not a sponsored post.

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