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While adsorbing the sounds and smells at a social gathering, I over-heard one of the co-ordinators of the event say, “You never see this in Jo’burg. In Jo’burg people are constantly on their phones, Tweeting and posting but in Cape Town people just stand and chat. Why are they not on their phones? Get them to Tweet! ARRRGH!”

I, an invited guest, felt so awkward. I obviously was not supposed to hear that… OBVIOUSLY.
I couldn’t understand why this person (let’s call this person Amy) I couldn’t understand why Amy was upset because people were standing around chatting (as in a verbal conversation, not a conversation using thumbs) and making new friends (yes, Facebook friends) – in a word: networking.

Back in the good old day’s people had conversations whether it be over the fence or over a cup of coffee. Nowadays people inbox (no postman needed), tag (no running involved) and Tweet (a sound nowhere near to what a bird makes). Relationships have changed to cyber-ships.

WIFE: “Honey, this is my friend Jane.”
HUSBAND: “How long have you and Jane been friends? I’ve never heard about her before.”
WIFE: “We’ve been friends on Facebook since 2009 and recently started following each other.”

True story guys, that’s just the way it is.

Facebook, for me personally, has the worst:

  • POSTS – I don’t care what time you woke up and what you had for breakfast, lunch and supper.
  • PICTURES – Pictures of your food (really?). Selfies, selfies and more selfies!!! I even viewed some of my friends (on Facebook) selfie albums, all I got from looking at the selfie album is that I now know which side is your “good side”.

*mental note: de-activate Facebook

So there I was at this social gathering feeling alienated while at the same time wondering if I’ll ever figure out how Twitter works.
Oh, Amy, people want to talk to each other because carpel tunnel is a painful thing to have. Don’t complain if Capetonians are standing around having verbal conversations, maybe at your next event you’ll have free WiFi and some cellphone charging stations.

However the event was fun and I enjoyed it thoroughly, EVEN without my cell.

I am what I am

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