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Who Wants To WIN tickets for TouchBass???


WIN double YACHT & ROOFTOP ACCESS TICKETS (2hr sunset cruise +Rooftop Party) and double ROOFTOP ACCESS ONLY TICKETS to the main event to give to your friends.

Yes that's right people you could WIN tickets and all you have to do is...

... Follow these 3 easy steps to enter:
  1. Follow the link & like this Post:
  2. Tag 3 friends that you would like to take with you, in the comments of the above post.
  3. Follow the link & Click ‘JOIN’ to the event:
Please note, if you do not follow all the steps, your entry won't be considered. Also ensure that you tag your friends in the comments of the original post.

Winners announced on Friday 30 October at midday.

About the event:

Summer is the time for Sunshine, House Music, Yacht & Rooftop parties.

We are doing it all over again on the 7th November.
Starting with a pre-party on the Luxury Yacht, in the late afternoon, followed by a Rooftop Party in the evening.

The Yacht will leave the Waterfront for a 2hr sunset cruise, at 15h00, with DJ's, a thumping sound system and a fully stocked cash bar on board.
Departing from the harbour and cruising through Clifton and Camps bay, before returning to the Waterfront at 17h00.

Once returning from sea, you will take a short 5min walk across the Waterfront and up onto the TouchBass Clocktower Rooftop venue, which overlooks the harbour, and has beautiful views of the ocean, where the party will continue for the rest of the evening. 

*Space on board the yacht for the pre-party is limited to 140 people and tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis.

Just Like them on Facebook for more info!

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