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My dreams can be super whack sometimes!

My dreams can be super whack sometimes!

I hate dreaming, honestly I would always prefer just sleeping and waking up feeling well rested than to dream all night and wake up feeling more tired than before. For example last night my sub-conscience was so over-exaggerated that I dreamt I had to save my family from asteroids plummeting to earth.

There I was packing supplies in the car, attempting to react what Doomsday Preppers would do and the plan was always to head north as far away from the coast to higher ground (for the fear of tsunamis, the obvious thing to do, right?). This dream must have been sparked off by my love of the movie 2012. Okay I must admit portraying a hero was kind of fun but not when I woke up, feeling all tired and shit. I don't think I would want to go through that in real life. To top it all off I can never remember how any of my dreams would end.

I woke up feeling extremely tired, now imagine waking up from a coma and speaking a different language. That's some next level shit! And that is exactly what happened to this dude. He woke up and was able to speak almost perfect Mandarin.

Check out this video of his experience.

"Versatile Lyle"


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