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Quick 5 with DJ Luwayne Wonder

Luwayne Wonder

Luwayne Wonder, Cape Town  DJ, accepted my request to interview him for this installment of "Quick 5" and this is how it went down:

Versatile Lyle: "Was it always your dream to become a DJ and who or what made you get into the DJ business and how did the name Luwayne Wonder originate?"

Luwayne Wonder: "Since the age of 14 I've always been interested in sound technology. Going to audio and home theater stores in Cape Town, observing all kinds of speakers, amps, cd players and tape decks ( that was still the in thing lol )

Until one day I spotted something new on the shelf - a turntable. Obviously interested by it so I asked someone for assistance. He gave me this long explanation on that one piece of equipment. Concluding, that was a " DJ Tool " and used mostly by djs in clubs and at parties.  Week in week out I spent my time at that store messing around with the equipment - I then realised that one day I want to be that guy in the club using all this equipment.

So yes It has been a big dream to become a DJ. Obviously inspired by DJ Ready D in many ways. That too made me want to further my dj career.

The name LuWayne Wonder was given to me by my dj friends. At the time, which I think was 2006, when the artist Wayne Wonda's track, " No letting go " was still a floor filler, I used to drop frequently in my dj set.It was a favourite of mine too. Haha, and that's how I got the name " LuWayne Wonder "

Versatile Lyle: "Can you share with us your one high point in your career that really stands out above the rest?"

Luwayne Wonder: "Probably has to be in 2010 spinning JR's track " Show dem " to 20 000 + people at the Fifa Fan Fest during ght Soccer World Cup."

Versatile Lyle: "East Coast or West Coast, Kanye or Jay-Z, Nando's or KFC?"

Luwayne Wonder: "Haha, I think I'll take all of the above. I'm versatile that way : )"

Versatile Lyle: "Im Versatile LOL!"

Versatile Lyle: "The RumpShaker on GoodHope FM how did that come about for those of us that don't know?"

Luwayne Wonder: "I started on Good Hope FM as guest DJ on the October Sprite Hip Hop Fest. A campaign that lasted for the month of October. My slot were Monday nights at 22h40 till 23h00. All the other djs ( DJ Eazy, Azhul & E-20 )  were asked if they would like to be a feature on the show. We all said yes and that's how The Rumpshaker Mix originated."

Versatile Lyle: "So now that the RumpShakerMix has come to an end what can we expect from the Wonderboy? "

Luwayne Wonder: "I wouldn't say The Rumpshaker Mix has come to an end, just my time as a resident mix show dj has. I'll obviously still want to mix on Good Hope FM in the future. An opportunity has come my way and I'm going to give it a go. KFM has approached me to be a mix show dj on a Saturday night between 9pm ans 12am ( that's the only times I have for you at this point ) Something else has come up as well, something big. I'll keep that to myself for now.

To ALL the other deck wreckers - Know this, there's always someone else out there better than you. Always come with your A Game and you will rise above the rest!

Follow me on twitter @WonderBoySA and on facebook, LuWayne Wonder (like the page)"

Luwayne Wonder in action

at the Met

DMC championships

"Versatile Lyle"


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