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I am a creative in South Africa - Singer, Tia Black

Tia Black
1) Tell us about where you grew up?

I grew up in Parkwood and Mitchells Plain. Spent most of my childhood playing in the roads like majority of the kids I grew up with.

2) How did you get into the industry you're in right now and did your parents support you in your career choice?

I kind of fell into music. I shied away from it in the beginning because I wasn't certain I belonged but because of features with Slikour, Kwesta and being able to work with Ashley Valentine I grew into my own. My parents have supported all my life decisions. They raised me to make choices I was happy with for myself. If I'm happy they're happy. They don't always understand what I'm doing but they support

3) Do you see yourself in this industry long term?

Hmmm, I can't tell the future but I can say I'm not about to go away just yet.

4) What do you think your industry needs more of?

Support. The industry needs more support of each other. We tend to be in competition so often we forget that we're all trying to grow the music of our nation.

5) What is the worst part of your industry?

The worst part of the industry is the level of pettiness that comes along with the egos that erupt after "making it." People get so caught up in the intricacies of how amazing they are that they lose focus of who and what they are. This industry can chew you up, spit you out, change who you are and make you forget the people who were there all along and that's sad.

6) What is the best part of what you do?

The limitless creativity we seem to be exploring and expelling. The constant changes within the industry that better us as artists.

7) What would you tell someone wanting to follow the same career path?

I'd honestly tell them to shut up and work.  There's a tendency to vocalise what we're about to do or busy with instead of just letting the work speak for itself. The road to success is long and I am definitely not one to hand out advice as I'm just scratching the surface myself but hard work and the willingness to learn is key. Talent can only take you so far.

8) What kind of future South Africa do you see for creatives?

A flourishing one. I'm proud to be part of the generation that gets to see the changes that the pioneers of our music have set in motion actually come to life.

Check out Tia online:

Goldie is an Events Reporter and Owner of Goldiestyling Media
and resident Guest blogger on
Twitter: @Goldiestyling

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