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#MissionSamsung Penultimate post!

Vida eCaffe Kirstenbosch
Its 9.30am and my stress levels are at an all time high. I’m sitting at Vida E Caffe with my wife on leave, taking my son and his friends on their school excursion and this espresso is just what I need to get this blog post going. You might be thinking “who stresses early in the morning?”, well I do. For one simple reason, this blog post needs to be completed by today. This wouldn’t be such a stressful task usually, however I received the e-mail detailing the last challenge on Saturday morning, which should have been enough time to get this done by today (Tuesday) rightfully so, if only I had seen the e-mail. How could I only check my e-mail on a Monday evening? So here I am in this dilemma but nonetheless here’s to making the best out of my situation.

My challenge is to use 20 keywords in this blog post which describes my #missionsamsung blogger challenge experience. I can only think of one word to describe my experience: it was LEGEN... wait for it ...DARY!

From the beginning of the #missionsamsung blogger challenge it was destined to have my blog to be a part of it, having only stumbled upon it while surfing the net randomly one day. I vowed to try and enter it for the next round of challenges.

It was well into the third edition that I decided to monitor the #missionsamsung microsite and I did that on the daily, patiently waiting for the next round of applications to open. When that day eventually arrived I posted on my application that I would win if selected and when I was announced the winner of the 4th edition, I was over the moon. To walk away with not one, but two prizes was simply amazing. To this day I cannot imagine not having the Samsung Galaxy K Zoom and Level Over Headphones by my side.

The same could probably be said by the previous winners and their prizes.

The other winners and their prizes are as follows:
  • Challenge 1: Cape Town Guy – NX300 Camera
  • Challenge 2: One Large Prawn – Samsung LED Smart TV
  • Challenge 3: Elzanne, Klets en Kook – Samsung Smart Microwave Oven
  • Challenge 5: Candice Christie – Samsung Galaxy Note 4

I am certain they are enjoying every minute with their devices, from taking pictures, watching a home video, cooking food or putting Phab into an awesome phablet.  They have come out on top and deserve their winnings.

While being in the #missionsamsung honeymoon, after just winning, I found myself taking part of the Samsung Galaxy A3 Guinness Book of Records attempt at taking the most selfies in 24 hours and it was a once in a lifetime experience for me and my son. (Got the Certificates to prove it)

In the end I hereby dub this my penultimate blog entry on the Samsung Blogger Challenge and I hope you enjoy the music and panoramic views.

Samsung, I give you a 3 out of 3 rating. Here’s 3 stars for you!

Cannot wait to see you all on SABC 3's Expresso Morning Show! 



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