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The Afrihost Series: Pure Internet Joy

In planning out my content for this month I thought let me do a segment on one of the main sponsors of The "Versatile Lyle" Chronicles, namely Afrihost.

So here's a little write about the company itself.

Afrihost is a company dedicated to delivering Internet Solutions, including ADSL Broadband
and State-of-the-art Web Hosting that truly delights our clients. Afrihost was formed in August
of 2000 on the premise that we could deliver a service superior to the industry-norm.

Over the past 11 years we have discovered that in order to deliver a remarkable experience we
need to have many systems in place that we never initially dreamt were necessary. We've
consistently improved the Hosting, ADSL and Support we deliver and sincerely believe that we
provide a superior service.

Having said that, we are continually working to improve our service levels. As with any business it takes hard work and experience to succeed. We have the experience and have learnt some
lessons the painful way.

We’ve helped shape the broadband and hosting market over the past few years with exciting
initiatives such as FREE ADSL, Double-your-Money-Back Guarantees and also 2-for-1 Topups,
but we’ve got a lot more to come.

It is our goal to be more than just a company that provides you with Hosting or ADSL connectivity.
Through our many value added services we include with all our packages we hope to provide each
of our clients with the tools that will enable them to make their online experience Pure Internet Joy!


"Versatile Lyle"


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