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Quick5 with Hakeem Kae-Kazim

I recently bumped into well known Actor Hakeem Kae-Kazim at an event in Cape Town and managed to hook up a Quick 5 interview with him in the process.
This is how it went down:

Hakeem Kae-Kazim and VersatileLyle
Versatile Lyle: "What is your absolute favourite place in the world that you have travelled to and why?"

Hakeem: "Hi Lyle sorry about the delay I have been traveling and am now in Mozambique but to answer your question, my absolute favorite place so far that I have been to, has to be the Serengeti in Kenya, it is absolutely beautiful and majestic .... nature and wildlife the way it was intended to be seen."

Versatile Lyle: "I can only but imagine."

Versatile Lyle: "Can you share with us your one high point in your career that really stands out above the rest? "

Hakeem: "My first time on set in the US at the Disney Studio when i was doing Pirates of the Caribbean."

Versatile Lyle: "Who is your favourite actor/actress at the moment, beside yourself of course?"

Hakeem: "My Favorite actor/actress at the moment is Meryl Streep."

Versatile Lyle: "What was, according to you, the best film or television series you had the privilege to work on?"

Hakeem: "My Favorite tv series to work on to date must be 24 it was a fantastic show and I really enjoyed the character I played."

Versatile Lyle: "What can we expect in the future from Hakeem Kae-Kazim? "

Hakeem: "Next for me film wise for people to watch out for are the film I co-produced and star in called Man On Ground which has already played at the Toronto Dubai Berlin international film festivals as well as the Pan African and Smithsonian African film festivals. Also a film which I hope will be coming out later this year called Black November(formerly Black Gold ) which also stars Micky Rourke and Kim Bassinger."

Versatile Lyle: "Lastly any messages for aspiring actors/actresses?"

Hakeem: "For all aspiring actor/actresses I say work hard study your craft and never give up on your dreams."

Thank you very much Hakeem and all the best for the future!

Trailor to the movie "Man On Ground"

A bold and exacting portrayal of rising xenophobia in South Africa, Omotoso casts the story of a young Nigerian man living in the African refugee tenements of Johannesburg who disappears against the background of animosity against immigrants flaring into violent rioting. In the span of a single night, his brother, on a short visit from London, tries to elucidate the mystery.

For more info on Hakeem visit his site here.

Hope you enjoyed this interview, watch this space for more "Quick 5's" to come.



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