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Quick 5 with Rob van Vuuren

As promised the new slot on The "Versatile Lyle" Chronicles is finally here and its called "Quick 5".

Basically I interview various personalities and ask them 5 very random questions, so you the reader can get to know them just a little bit better.

So this week I'm proud to introduce my first guest to The "Versatile Lyle" Chronicles and it is none other than the ever so funny South African Comedian, Rob van Vuuren or to those who do not know he is the man behind the character Twakkie from the "The Most Amazing Show"

So Rob here are your "Quick 5"

  1. What is your favourite animal in the world and why?
  2. Could Muhammad Ali really float like a butterfly and sting like a bee?
  3. Who is your favourite comedian at the moment beside yourself of course?
  4. What influenced you to come up with the character Twakkie?
  5. Strictly come dancing champ how did that come about?
Rob van Vuuren and Versatile Lyle

  1. I love the political animal the most because it's so dangerous and so focussed on it's own survival. Do not try to keep any of these as a pet though, it will bite the hand that feeds it.
  2. He could do anything. He's the greatest.
  3. There are other comedians? I had no idea. I thought I was all alone out here.
  4. Drugs and poverty.
  5. By working my fat ass off. Dedication, hard work and the willingness to wear spandex and sequins.
Well that was Rob on the "Quick 5" look out for my next guest, can you guess who it might be.

Rob doing what he does best!

Any comments for Rob or myself feel free to post them below.

For more info on Rob visit his site here.

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otherguy said...

Brilliant stuff brah. Enjoyed the interview. Name like Twakkie can only be from drugs&poverty hahaha nai lekka lekka

Unknown said...

so true lol thanks for taking such a keen interest in my blog!

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