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a DifFeRent ViEw poinT

What defines a person, what makes that person unique, what makes him or her stand out of the crowd, what makes them live?

Some way of starting this off hey!!!

Well if we think about it what really makes up who we are as a person, is it our genes or is it the way we were raised? Who really cares this topic sucks big time I want to visit mental institutions, I am aware of the fact the there are a bunch of nut cases over there but it makes for interesting conversation.

Think about it - imagine speaking to someone who thinks or better yet believes he is an alien or a reincarnated monkey off a Caribbean pirate ship. I would prefer to speak to the latter of the two examples personally but what ever person you choose to conversate with I promise you, you are in for an interesting time.

Ok so I've been speaking to my monkey friend from the Caribbean or at least I tried to and he decides to hand over a tattered and torn piece of paper, yellowish brown in colour, looked like someone used it to wipe their ass with it, anyway I took it, then I did something I should never done. I flicked open my zippo lighter and lit the piece of shit paper and then my so called monkey friend went into a screaming and demonic rampage and I was escorted off the premises.

I'm not allowed into any mental institutions any longer but at least on that day I met a man-monkey HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

So again what makes us who we are when our mind can so easily turn us into a monkey?!?!?!?

*This story is entirely fictional.
**No intention to downgrade mental institutions.
***Just trying to bring across a silly point of view.

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